golda may is from the suburbs of san diego, raised by ukranian jewish parents, two older sisters and a few cats. obsessed with singing and melodies from a very young age, golda grew up soundtracking her life with made up songs (whether it be in the styles of opera or musical theater or alanis morissette)… with the help of lots of zoloft and year long phone calls with her sisters, she writes and sings about insecurity, anger, sadness, aloneness, and about other experiences of being alive. her unique lyrical, melodic, production and vocal approaches create a special golda may world where she hopes that people will be able to access feelings within themselves and perhaps feel some ethereal magic too. she has been greatly influenced by radiohead, imogen heap, grizzly bear, feist, and so many more. outside of making music, golda is likely traveling for a special meal, working her human resources day job, or decorating her 350 sq ft silverlake apartment where she resides with her cat xena
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