In the heart of Riyadh, where desperation and opportunity collide, MANDOOB brings forth the gripping tale of Fahad Algadaani, a mentally fragile man racing against time to save his ailing father. As his world crumbles under the weight of financial burden and societal indifference, Fahad’s life takes an unexpected turn when he is forced to make ends meet as a humble delivery mandoob (Arabic for courier). However, a chance encounter uncovers a dark underbelly of the city— one thriving on illegal dealings and illicit activities. Thrusted into the vestibules of the rapidly growing city, Fahad is confronted with a dangerous proposition that promises to solve all his monetary woes. Yet, this tantalizing opportunity comes at a great cost—he must risk everything he holds dear, including his principles and the fragile sanity he clings to. 2 nominations international film festivals. Link IMDB: Link Review:
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