Oldsoul's music has always been characterized by intricate and inventive instrumentation, lush arrangements that demand repeated listens, and lyrics that range from the intensely personal and relatable to the poetic and opaque, leaving the listener to prescribe their own meaning. All this is accentuated by Jess Hall's emotional vocals, alternating with ease from sweet, soft, and nostalgic, to a blistering and cathartic yell, often within the same song. Teaming up once again with producer Zach Weeks, Education on Earth continues Oldsoul's sonic explorations with a diverse set of songs that take the band in new directions. Songs like lead single "Lavender Cane'' shift between the poppiest sounds and melodies the band has ever produced to the very opposite end of the spectrum, with an intensely heavy and emotional ending. Together these songs form a definitive statement on moving forward. Maybe it’s time to start.
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