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  • Writer's picturedailyentertainment95

Music of the Day: Native Sun - When She

What’s more American than a band of immigrants? Native Sun doesn’t so much ask the question as demand an answer with their cataclysmic resistance by audio. In our time of division, the four-piece brings their personal contexts front and center, unabashedly reimagining the sound of white Americana through their (mostly) brown mouths — empowered by the will to make music against all hostility. Harkening back to a time when rock n' roll meant something, they've not only reinvigorated, but have conquered the New York music scene, selling out shows, getting shut down by the cops, and finding themselves amongst the ranks of bands like Psychic Ills, Sunflower Bean, Geese, White Reaper, DEATH, Wavves, Night Beats, and The Nude Party.

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