Celebrating her upcoming marriage, Jo (Greta Bellamacina - This England) invites her childhood friend, Scarlet (Amber Anderson - Peaky Blinders), on a girls' trip to a country manor. But despite drifting apart as adults, unresolved feelings still linger between them whilst the rest of the group enjoys the weekend away. Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18331900/ Link Review: https://variety.com/2023/film/global/kaleidoscope-sales-rights-tell-that-to-the-winter-sea-efm-1235490827/ About movie: https://kaleidoscopefilmdistribution.com/films/tell-that-to-the-winter-sea/ Link to watch: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tell-That-Winter-Greta-Bellamacina/dp/B0CHZ7F846/ref=sr_1_19?crid=185EFTNUVL67F&qid=1707825574&refinements=p_n_date%3A3280635031%2Cp_n_theme_browse-bin%3A3046748031&rnid=3010085031&s=instant-video&sprefix=%2Cinstant-video%2C84&sr=1-19 (UK)
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Feb 131 min read
Movie of the Day: Tell That to the Winter Sea (2023) by Jaclyn Bethany
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