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  • Writer's picturedailyentertainment95

Movie of the Day: Rimini (2022) by Ulrich Seidl

Richie Bravo (Michael Thomas) is a singer in a nightclub in the Italian coastal town. It’s off season, the weather has gone the way of the tourists and all that remains are a few locals and the odd visitor for Richie to entertain. He supplements his income by fulfilling the sexual needs of a few locals for cash. And he occasionally drops in on his father, whose senility finds him spouting Nazi slogans from his youth. But things change when Richie’s daughter turns up out of the blue. After a pained, embarrassing first encounter, she demands from him 18 years of unpaid childcare. And she’s brought help to get it. 3 wins and 1 nomination international film festivals. Link IMDB: Link Review: Link to watch:

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