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  • Writer's picturedailyentertainment95

Movie of the Day: Polaris (2022) by Kirsten Carthew

A crazy action movie set in the far north in the year 2101: think Mad Max on skidoos. Viva Lee plays Sumi, a ten-year-old female warrior raised by a polar bear who spends a lot of time evading capture in the frozen dystopian world that is our future. The action is visceral and extremely well depicted, as there is little dialogue in the film. Most of the movie is sheer kinetic energy and stunt work, with some sequences (such as an eyeball removing scene) being quite graphic. It is mostly women who have survived the cataclysmic events that occurred prior to the movie. A group of warriors called the Morads roam and ransack the countryside and seem particularly intent on offing Sumi, a young girl who follows Polaris, the pinkish North Star and has some magical powers. Winner Audience Choice & Best Actress at Sydney Science Fiction Film Festival 2022. Link IMDB: Link Review: Link to watch:

(available until 2nd Jan 2023, Whistler Film Festival)

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