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  • Writer's picturedailyentertainment95

Movie of the Day: Following the sound (2023) by Kyoshi Sugita

Presented at the Venice Film Festival Authors' Day, one of the most anticipated and acclaimed Japanese dramas of the year arrives at the Asian Film Festival.One day, Haru, who works as a clerk in a bookstore, meets Takeshi again, whom she met a few years ago, when he stopped him from jumping in front of a train. Takeshi offers him a job. A day later, Haru worries about Yukiko, who was sitting on a bench in front of the station, and talks to her. This leads them to go on a little journey together. Haru carries with him a cassette tape and a recorder left to him by his mother, Taeko, who died of illness when Haru was in elementary school. Haru is once again faced with the regret of not being able to help Taeko, which he had kept for a long time. Nominee Giornate degli Autori Award, Venice Film Festival 2023. Link IMDB: Link Review:

Link to watch: (Asian Film Festival, available until 27th November)

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