Emre, a young and dedicated prosecutor, is newly appointed to a small town hit by a water crisis and political scandals. After an initial welcome, he experiences an increasing number of tense interactions and is reluctantly dragged into local politics. When Emre forms a bond with the owner of the local newspaper pressure escalates under heated rumors.
32 wins & 17 nominations international film festivals. Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14859416/ Link Review: https://variety.com/2022/film/reviews/burning-days-a-sweltering-stylish-small-town-allegory-for-corruption-in-strongman-societies-1235302563/ About movie: https://www.crew-united.com/en/Burning-Days__281269.html#!searchterm=burning%20days Link to watch: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/0L4JB2GWCHENKX1BEKHBNCCJP0/ref=atv_dl_rdr?tag=justus1ktp-20 (US)