A portrait of the myth of maternity around the story of Pepa and her daughter, who are evicted from their home and forced to wander for a place to live with no support network.
6 wins & 6 nominations international film festivals. Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11808288/?ref_=nm_knf_t_2 Link Review: https://www.seminci.com/en/2021/66th-seminci/julia-de-paz-solvas-questions-stereotypes-about-motherhood-in-ama-her-debut-film/ About movie: https://www.filmax.com/distribucion/ama.225 https://cineuropa.org/en/film/405011/
Link to watch: https://www.mymovies.it/ondemand/exit-media/movie/15521-ama/