"They Will Be Dust" (Polvo Serán) is a 2024 Spanish-Swiss-Italian musical drama directed by Carlos Marques-Marcet. The film delves into the profound journey of Claudia, a septuagenarian diagnosed with an incurable illness, who decides to end her life through assisted suicide in Switzerland. Her inseparable partner of over 40 years, Flavio, feels unable to face life without her, and their daughter, Violeta, becomes a mediator between them while trying to clarify her own thoughts. The narrative is enriched with contemporary dance sequences and a poignant musical score, offering a unique exploration of love, life, and the autonomy over one's end-of-life decisions.
Short Summary:
"They Will Be Dust" follows Claudia, a vibrant septuagenarian diagnosed with an incurable illness, who decides to end her life in Switzerland with the support of her longtime partner, Flavio. Their journey, interwoven with musical and dance sequences, offers a profound exploration of love, autonomy, and the human condition.
Autonomy and End-of-Life Decisions: Explores the right to choose one's end, emphasizing personal autonomy.
Love and Partnership: Examines the depth of long-term relationships when faced with terminal illness.
Family Dynamics: Highlights the emotional complexities within a family confronting mortality.
Artistic Expression: Utilizes music and dance to convey internal emotions and existential contemplations.
Key Success Factors:
Innovative Narrative Structure: The integration of musical and dance elements provides a fresh perspective on a sensitive subject.
Stellar Performances: Ángela Molina and Alfredo Castro deliver compelling portrayals, adding depth to the narrative.
Critical Acclaim: The film has been praised for its unsentimental and involving approach to end-of-life drama.
Awards, and Nominations: 4 wins & 21 nominations
2024 Toronto International Film Festival: Won the Platform Prize.
69th Valladolid International Film Festival: Won the Silver Spike.
19th Rome Film Festival: Ángela Molina won Best Actress.
17th Gaudí Awards (2025): Nominated in multiple categories, including Best Non-Catalan Language Film, Best Director, and Best Actress.
Critical Reception:
The film has received positive reviews:
Rotten Tomatoes: Holds a 100% approval rating based on 11 reviews, with an average rating of 7.4/10.
Variety: Stephen Saito notes that the film "proves moving in more ways than one," achieving a level of intimacy unusual even for its reliably sensitive director.
Cineuropa: Olivia Popp describes the film as going "for broke in all its sincerity and quirkiness — and succeeds."
ScreenDaily: Jonathan Holland deems it an "admirably unsentimental and involving end-of-life drama that comes, unusually, peppered with dance sequences."
Box Office Performance:
Worldwide lifetime total gross: $74,378
Production Companies:
Lastor Media
Avalon P.C.
Elastica Films
Rita Productions
Amka Films
Wanda Vision
Elastica Films
Sales: Latido Films
Link Review: https://variety.com/2024/film/global/they-will-be-dust-platform-toronto-marques-marcet-1236131536/
About movie: https://latidofilms.com/latido-films-boards-carlos-marques-marcets-they-will-be-dust-exclusive/
This film is recommended for viewers interested in thought-provoking narratives that blend drama with artistic expression. Its unique integration of music and dance, coupled with powerful performances, provides a deeply moving and contemplative cinematic experience.
For more details, you can visit the film's Wikipedia page.